Professional telephone registration for your veterinary facility

Take a chance on effectiveness and speed of your business, and get up to 16% more clients thanks to Vetidesk app’s support

facilities use our app
0 +
million serviced phone calls
0 mln+

Vetidesk will improve your customer service and multiply your veterinary facility’s revenues

We know the challenges that stand before veterinary clinics – our app has been tested by over 550 medical establishments so far.  

Vetidesk will improve the service provided by your facility on key levels:  


Vedidesk app automatizes all external undertakings connected with the services provided for veterinary facility’s patients. It increases the number of clients, improves the service quality, and upgrades the communication between both parties: 

Group 26
Group 26

For managers

Vetidesk supports the day-to-day management of registration teams. It boosts the revenues, eliminates bottlenecks, enhances supervision over employees, and improves organization of their work.


Marketing functions

Vetidesk allows agregating multiple marketing communication channels in one place. You can optimize the outgoings spent on marketing activities through exact analysis of patient traffic sources. 


Thanks to Vetidesk, your facility might reach up to 16% rise in the number of enlisted clients, and up to 3 times bigger effectiveness of appointments made.

Trust our experience.
With Vetidesk app, you are in good hands!

Tested by over 550 medical establishments, an app made to service the call traffic, created for your veterinary facility.  

15 million

serviced phonecall registrations made by patients in establishments in the entire country

of 37%

increased effectiveness of marketing campaigns thanks to Vetidesk app

9 million

in extra revenues for the employees in charge of managing the clients’ registration 


loggings into the app daily

Our clients’ opinions

Facilities that use Vetidesk

Free analysis
of your facility’s needs

Talk to our expert and find out how we can help you. You will get:  

Check out
the free webinar sessions

We organize free trainigs and webinar sessions which will show you how to: 

Increase the effectiveness of your facility’s functioning, and get up to 16% more clients.

Join the veterinary establishments that are already using Vetidesk 

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